Exploring Interpersonal Standards
The relationships within and between services and with people who engage with services for support.Trauma informed relationships are based on mutual respect, authenticity, moral courage and empathy. It is not envisioned that disagreements won't happen but rather they are approached with a motivation to repair damage to relationships in order to promote trust. This implies that leaders need to be appointed and held to account for the way they contribute positively to such a culture.
The main interpersonal standards are Relational Reparation and Compassionate and Transformational Leadership.
![Group Image](uploads/workingtogether.jpeg)
Explore Sub-Themes
Relational Reparation
Awareness of the way that people, when under stress, may be triggered in their current relationships with others based on their previous relationships (attachment patterns). The delivery of support by ‘peers’/people with lived experience of trauma and mental health difficulties.
ExploreCompassionate Transformational Leadership
A leadership style that facilitates trust, transparency, empowerment, and respect (and devolved innovation and collective decision-making). People with lived experience of using mental health services can develop their leadership skills and take on leadership roles.
ExploreTransitioning to a trauma-informed forensic unit: Exploring staff perceptions of a shift in organisational culture
My experience so far has been doing focus groups with staff of the female forensic units at Roseberry Park in Middlesbrough that recently transitioned to a trauma informed care model. The purpose of the study is to explore staff
compassionate and transformational leadership, healing interventions
Formulation meeting in time of crisis
A service user in a supported accommodation had reached a point of crisis and could have potentially died at any time. Different services had started to become very defensive and hostile to each other.
relational reparation
Client Case Study
I received a referral from MARAC for a client. She had been referred into MARAC as a victim of domestic violence and more recently as a perpetrator as she has stabbed her mam and sister during a disturbance at her mother’s house. The client had been through a lot of trauma as a child and as an adult.
relational reparation, compassionate and transformational leadership
My experience of managing the implementation of TiC via the trauma clinical leads
Positive difference in clinical practice in terms of assessment, formulation and interventions that benefits both service users and staff in those areas where the embedding of TiC has been the most successful. Reduction of risky incidents and iatrogenic harm.
compassionate and transformational leadership
Developing a service model for women with multiple and complex needs
Understanding trauma to becoming trauma responsive and introduced trauma programmes to move from engagement to change and then stabilisation.
compassionate and transformational leadership
Exclusion by diagnosis
Choosing to change the focus of studies (for a PhD) to a case study of a complex case/ the impact of labelling on patients in terms of their access to services and treatment outcomes.
compassionate transformational leadership
Connecting and discovering through Equine Assisted Therapy
Equine Assisted Therapy is used worldwide to help those suffering from trauma. It is an approach which allows people to observe through the behaviour of the horses, and their interactions with them, what is going on in their inner world.
relational reparation