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Explore the themes below

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Responsive System Design

Responsive System Design

Processes and programmes meant to bring about positive change within the organisation and encourage ways of working that are trauma informed. People in the whole system can easily access a range of ways to live well, which are specially designed to treat trauma, for the length of time that is right for them.


Staff Practice Points

1. Funding for trauma-informed approaches forms part of core business.
2. We monitor trauma-related outcomes.
3. Staff at all levels have adequate trauma-informed skills and are supported to work in a trauma-informed way.
4. A Trauma-informed approach is explicit in the commissioning framework for our service.
5. Staff have access to peer support with lived experience of trauma.
6. Service-users who need help can get help early without being passed around (pathways are clear and comprehensive to cover a variety of needs).



User Practice Points

1. The service is adequately funded to provide what I need to recover from my adversity.
2. Outcomes related to the impact of the bad things in my life are important to this service.
3. Staff show they have adequate training & support to work with me on addressing the bad things that have happened to me.
4. Services have ways to help me recover from any bad experiences I have had.
5. I have access to peer support from people like me.
6. I can get help early without being passed around services.

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TIC Changing attitudes and cultural bias

Roll out of trauma informed care on 4 female secure wards where there was a heavy focus on risk, behaviour, diagnosis, medication, problem, and symptoms.

responsive system design

Developing a Birth Reflection Service, on pathway to the psychological treatment of birth trauma

Establishing a multidisciplinary Core Group to develop a psychologically informed Birth Reflection Pathway

responsive system design

Developing and embedding a bespoke Trauma Informed Care clinical model

As with most forensic services our care delivery was largely informed by the medical model and related infra-structure such as the Mental Health Act and Ministry of Justice. There was increasing frustration that this model failed to match the complexity of our service users and the knowledge staff held around the lifelong impact of trauma.

responsive system design

An integrated framework of care in the secure children’s estate

The project aims to develop an integrated framework of care across the children’s secure estate, encompassing all staff from health, education and care.

responsive system design